Ankylosed Tooth: Signs, Symptoms, and Cure

Dentoalveolar ankylosis, also known as dental ankylosis, is an abnormality in which the root surface of the tooth is fused with the supporting bone.

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When dentoalveolar ankylosis occurs, the periodontal ligament is totally or partially lost, giving rise to a strong union between the tooth and the bone.

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What causes dentoalveolar ankylosis?

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– A congenital defect that causes a disturbance in ligament formation  – Periodontitis, although no genes causing this anomaly have yet been identified. – Excessive force during chewing. – Dental clenching or bruxism.

How to prevent dentoalveolar ankylosis?

1. Maintain strict oral hygiene:  Brushing your teeth 3 times a day with fluoride toothpaste and flossing helps prevent tooth decay, infection, and tooth loss.

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2. Avoid dentoalveolar trauma:  Although it is known that during the first years of life, falls can be frequent, it is important that children develop the necessary motor skills to position their hands when falling and protect their faces.

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