Dental Hypersensitivity In Pregnancy

By :Channel Islands Family Dental

Dental  Hypersensitivity

During pregnancy gingival conditions often appear such as bleeding gums; they are mainly related hormonal factors.. They can be accompanied by discomforts such as dental hypersensitivity, since at this stage, a proliferation of bacteria in the mouth is favored, with acidic pHs that generate hypersensitivity. Of note, dental hypersensitivity can appear at any stage of life. During pregnancy, women are subjected to both extrinsic and intrinsic measures that may be related, making them vulnerable to dental hypersensitivity. Changes in salivary production, oral flora, and diet, among others, are capable of producing it.

In order to successfully treat this pathology, it is necessary for the professional to make a correct diagnosis by collecting information from the patient to identify the factors that trigger it such as: cold, heat, acids and sweets, among others. There is a classification of dental hypersensitivity that is useful to determine the type of treatment to implement: – Grade 1- no pain during food consumption – Grade 2 – rare pain that interferes with food consumption· – Grade 3 – pain appears regularly and interferes with food consumption – Grade 4 – pain always appears with food consumption.



– Clinicians must take into account the causal factors that play an important role in the initiation and localization of dental hypersensitivity. – It is essential to identify these factors so that preventive regimens may be included in the treatment plan. – Active management of dental hypersensitivity often involves a combination of home care with therapies in the dental office. – In practice, the treatment established will depend on the perceived severity of the condition and the number of teeth involved. – In all cases, periodic visits are recommended to evaluate the evolution of dental hypersensitivity and take pertinent measures as the case may indicate.