Signs that a Tooth Infection Is Spreading

It is very common for dentists, general practitioners, and in emergency cases to treat patients with symptoms of a tooth infection spreading due to possible dental problems; however, most professionals in the usual consultations do not have much information.

What is a dental abscess or infection?

Remember that a tooth is made up of dentin, enamel, and a root. Inside is a soft fibrous tissue called the dental pulp. When an acute dental abscess occurs, it means bacteria have entered the pulp due to the accumulation of pus.

Symptoms of a dental infection

Some symptoms of a dental infection:

– Fever – Bad breath and an unpleasant taste in the mouth. – Difficulty swallowing or breathing – Sensitivity: the patient feels discomfort when chewing, squeezing the teeth, and with hot or cold foods.

What happens when a dental infection spreads?

When a dental abscess occurs, and proper treatment is not indicated or followed, it is likely that the infection will spread to other areas of the body, causing serious and even life-threatening complications. It is not common for infections to spread, but in some regions due to poor access to basic services such as water, health and food, they are likely to occur.

Symptoms of a tooth infection spreading

Symptoms of a tooth infection spreading to the body include:

1. Fever 2. Headache 3. Dizzine 4. Fatigue 5. Redness of the skin 6. Sweating/chill

How might the infection or abscess be treated?

Before diagnosing and starting treatment, your dentist will perform certain diagnostic tests to properly guide infection management. Some examples of diagnostic tests are x-rays, computed tomography, inspection at the site of infection and/or thermal tests to identify the sensitivity of the gums.

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