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What is a Dental Extraction?

A dental extraction (or exodontia) is the removal of teeth from the dental alveolus (socket) in the alveolar bone.

There are two types of extractions, simple and surgical. A simple extraction involves pulling a tooth that is clearly visible in the mouth. These extractions normally will only call for a local anesthetic.

The surgical extraction is required if the tooth is embedded in the jaw bone, or partially covered by jaw bone. A surgical extraction can be performed with a local anesthetic and nitrous oxide. In some cases, IV sedation or general anesthesia will be recommended.

How do I know if I need a Dental Extraction?

Excessive tooth decay, tooth infection, and crowding can all require a tooth extraction. Those who get braces may need one or two teeth removed to provide room for their other teeth as they shift into place.

On children, may be required when baby teeth fail to fall out before permanent teeth come in. Additionally, those who are undergoing chemotherapy or are about to have an organ transplant may need compromised teeth removed in order to keep their mouth healthy.

Our dentists will never recommend extraction if there is a less invasive treatment option. Make sure you understand why extraction is recommended and what the procedure involves for you or your child.

How Tooth Extractions Heal

If you have just had a tooth extracted or will have one extracted soon, there are a few tips you should follow to achieve a quick recovery after tooth extraction.

How long does a tooth extraction take to heal? Typically, the healing time for an extraction site varies from patient to patient. The first 24 hours after extraction are crucial and determine the healing of the extraction site. After this period, patients can resume their physical activities.

The extraction of a tooth leaves a cavity called the alveolus in which bleeding occurs. This blood will allow a clot to form that little by little will become scar tissue, which will guarantee the rapid recovery of the gums. Also, bone development will occur over the next few months.

After a tooth extraction, it is normal for you to feel some discomfort in the area for a few days. Typically, this discomfort disappears completely in a few days. Its intensity depends on the difficulty and complexity of the procedure. Your dentist will likely prescribe anti-inflammatories or antibiotics. In this case, it is very important to follow the directions of the prescribed medication to get relief.

To speed up the recovery process it is vital to give yourself proper care after tooth extraction, maintain proper oral hygiene, and take precautions to allow the extraction site’s rapid healing. Thus, you can return to normal as soon as possible.

After the intervention, in addition to feeling pain, it is normal for the wound to bleed for at least 24 hours. For this reason, a gauze pad will be applied that should be kept tight for about 20 minutes and should be changed as long as the bleeding continues.

If the dentist had to cut to proceed with the extraction, the wound will have been sutured, and therefore, once healed, the sutures must be removed.

Dental Extractions

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Types of Dental Extractions

Many dental problems can only be solved through tooth extraction. Although it may seem a drastic procedure, it should not be a traumatic event since nowadays it is a simple procedure that can be the best solution to many dental diseases.

Dental extractions are recommended and necessary when the damage to a tooth is severe, infected, has suffered some trauma, and can’t be repaired by any other treatment. Sometimes it’s done when the patient’s condition represents a danger to their oral health or trying to prevent more serious problems, such as the deterioration of other teeth. Besides cavities and trauma, tooth extractions are indicated in the following cases:


Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom tooth pain is typical. Sometimes the pain is intermittent, the patient feels discomfort from time to time, and many other times the pain is unbearable. Besides, wisdom teeth are often removed because they can damage the rest of the teeth. This is because the mouth does not have enough space for them, and they can cause the rest of the teeth to become misaligned, causing irritation of the gums and the impossibility of proper daily hygiene.

Periodontal gum disease

Periodontitis is a disease of the gums and tissues that support the teeth, which causes teeth to become loose and painful when biting or chewing. Where the disease is very advanced, dental extraction will be chosen.


Some orthodontic treatments require the extraction of one or more teeth because of a lack of space to achieve better alignment and avoid crowding the remaining teeth. In this way, functional and aesthetic problems are avoided.

Broken teeth

A tooth can fracture for multiple reasons. From a powerful impact or something as simple as a bad bite. If the damage is irreversible, it is best to have a tooth extracted so that issues resulting from a broken tooth, such as tooth sensitivity from eating and drinking, bacterial lodging, and deformation of healthy teeth can be avoided.

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Extractions: simple and surgical

In both cases, the dentist uses local anesthesia, so that the procedure does not cause you pain. It is very important to pay attention to the post-treatment care that must be carried out to have a proper recovery, reduce infection, and control pain.

Simple Extraction

A simple dental extraction is a procedure for teeth that are visible and easily accessible. Mainly it’s a quick process which only takes a few minutes, and for which a tool called a forceps is usually used.

Surgical Extraction

Surgical dental extraction is a more complex procedure, indicated when a tooth is not accessible and is impacted, or is broken under the gums. It’s also necessary for more complicated cases, such as curved or tangled roots.It requires a small incision in the gum and sometimes, it is necessary to extract part of the bone around the tooth or cut the tooth in half to extract it. Therefore, you must put yourself in expert hands and choose a specialized dental clinic.At Channel Islands Family Dental, we have the best professionals to make your treatment safe and painless. Call us with questions or concerns you may have or visit any of our Affordable Dentists in Ventura, Oxnard,Port Hueneme and Santa Paula. We are here to help you.

Dental Extractions

So if you are considering this type of procedure but are having trouble controlling your blood glucose levels, at Channel Islands Family Dental we have highly trained and professional experts who are ready to help you. If you have additional questions, please contact us or make an appointment.

To facilitate recovery

To facilitate recovery, the following recommendations should be followed:

    • Inform your dentist if the bleeding does not decrease.
    • Apply ice to the cheek to reduce inflammation.
    • Avoid harsh rinsing with water or mouthwash.
    • Brush the teeth after each meal but avoiding passing the brush near the extraction site.
    • Resist the urge to touch or push the extraction site with your tongue or fingers.
    • Avoid hot foods and drinks as the heat may dissolve the blood clot.
    • Avoid smoking for at least the first 24 hours.
    • Keep your head elevated when lying down, this reduces the risk of bleeding.
    • It is advisable not to take part in intense, strenuous physical activities while the recovery lasts.
    • Follow a soft diet until the healing process has finished.

Postoperative success

Likewise, to ensure postoperative success, it is important to follow the following guidelines:

    • Avoid smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages or irritating substances, and the use of mouthwashes with a high alcohol content for the next 72 hours after the extraction.
    • Check your blood sugar levels regularly. Good blood sugar control will also help your body fight any other bacterial or fungal infections in your mouth and help relieve dry mouth caused by diabetes.
    • Use your diabetes-related medications as directed; changing to a healthier diet and even exercising more can help.
    • Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft brush.
    • If you wear any type of denture, clean it every day.
    • Visit your dentist for regular checkups.

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What signs indicate a complication?

The most obvious sign of infection after extraction is bleeding. If after several hours the bleeding has not stopped, it is important that you go to the dentist; it is possible that something is wrong. Another characteristic sign is pain. Pain is normal during the first two days, but if severe pain appears after a few days, go to the dentist to have it checked.

You should know that the recovery process depends on the type of intervention and the position of the tooth. Your dentist at the Channel Islands Family Dental Office will give you all the instructions you need, and it is important that you follow them to the letter.

Dental extractions and Diabetes

Did you know that 29.1 million people living in the United States have diabetes? Diabetes is a systemic and degenerative disease that can affect many parts of the body, sometimes severely. Persons having this condition have a more susceptible immune system, their ability to fight bacteria is less.

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to an increased risk of oral complications, which can negatively affect oral health. For example, it has been shown that the wounds of diabetics heal more slowly and are more prone to infection than those of non-diabetics. Also, people with diabetes sometimes experience a chronic inflammatory response, eventually leading to tissue damage or other problems.

Dental Extractions


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