Category Archives: Dental Diseases & Conditions

Dental Caries In Early Childhood [4 effective tips to try]

When we are born, our milk teeth have not yet appeared. However, if lost too [...]

Overbite vs Underbite: Complete differences & 5 usual causes

Dental malocclusion problems are common since not everyone has the perfect bite, and the lower [...]

9 Methods For Instant Relief From Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a benign condition that can affect anyone of any age, [...]

What Are Tonsil Stones? (5 Effective Prevention Tips)

Tonsils are small, soft, oval, pillow-like lymphatic organs located at the back of the mouth [...]

What is tartar? [10 helpful prevention tips you should try]

In any dental practice, patients have always been informed that bacterial plaque is deposited on [...]

What is a Dental Abscess? (Causes and 3 Treatments Options)

What is a Dental Abscess and How Does it Affect our Oral Health? A dental [...]

Little-known Difference Mouth ulcer vs canker sore

Mouth Ulcer vs Canker Sore Everyone at some point in life experiences discomfort and pain [...]

7 Dental Conditions That Cause Ear Pain: Signs and Symptoms

  Experiencing an earache can be annoying and painful; however, in many cases, it may [...]

What is Trench Mouth?

Normally in the mouth, it is kept in balance with different types of microorganisms (bacteria, [...]

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