Category Archives: Dental Diseases & Conditions

Ankylosed Tooth: Signs, Symptoms, and Cure

What is dentoalveolar ankylosis(ankylosed tooth)? Dentoalveolar ankylosis, also known as dental ankylosis, is an abnormality [...]

Periodontitis In The Early Stage: 4 Symptoms To Look For

Periodontitis in the early stage is a disease that affects the gums caused by the [...]

Epilepsy and Teeth Grinding: 4 Effective Bruxism Treatments

  According to the WHO, epilepsy is a chronic, non-communicable brain disease that affects some [...]

How to Reverse and Fix Periodontal Disease: 6 Effective Ways

The gums are soft, pink tissue that covers the bone in which the teeth are [...]

Dental Diseases in Elderly: 4 Harmful Changes To Look For

There are dental diseases in elderly that we should look for before it evolves into [...]

Diabetes and Metformin in Oral Health (5 Helpful Tips)

Diabetes is a disease in which the levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood are [...]

Crooked Teeth in Babies: 4 things you should know

Parents often take their children to the dentist when they are concerned about crooked teeth [...]

Gingivitis or Periodontitis: 4 Definitive Key Differences

Gingivitis or periodontitis is a very serious disease so maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial [...]

Marijuana and Dental Health: 3 Harmful Effects In The Mouth

Marijuana and dental health have a very strong connection. Marijuana, also known as hashish, pot, [...]

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